Monday, January 25, 2016

Born Into Brothels: The Sad Reality

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Born Into Brothels is a definitely must watch documentary! It exposes you to the reality of children who were born into a community where there is no hope for them to succeed. It truly made me realize that I am lucky for what I have, even if it is just a little bit.

Born Into Brothels is a documentary that captures the lives of children who are born into poverty, where the only way they are able to survive is to work. If you were a girl, you grew up to be "put in the line" of prostitution. The saddest part was that these girls knew what they would become once they got older, and in a way, had already accepted their destiny. As for the boys, they were given more liberty to do what they wanted, but it did not mean it was easier than the girls.

A part that struck me was when one of the little girls mentioned that there was this room where it had a curtain that covered the inside, so her siblings and herself wouldn't be able to see what was going on. She stated that when her mother went in there and pulled the curtain down, her and her siblings were to go upstairs on the roof and play until her mother was done. That to me made me feel disgusted. A child is being exposed to such perversion and she sees it as a normal thing because that is what she was born into. It made me so angry and so heartbroken because even though the circumstances are extreme, these children have the purest hearts ever and such innocence, that is slowly being taken away.

This documentary had very strong content and it took a lot in me not to cry. It was sad to know that some of the kids that were given the opportunity to go to school were withdrawn from the school because of their parents and taken back into the community that they have tried to run away from.

Born Into Brothels is a documentary that made me see that people who have nothing are much more thankful than those who have it everything. These kids felt like the pictures they took gave their life meaning and it gave them hope that maybe, somehow, their life would get better. For some of them, it did, but for others, they were dragged back into a community that is no place for a child. Watch full documentary at the bottom!

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